Friday, December 28, 2012

Why it's important to follow submission guidelines and research agents before querying.

I love to receive queries, and hear from authors! I'm excited to read your work and see if we would be a good fit. However, as part of the querying process it's important to make sure the agent you are querying is looking for the type of story/genre that you are submitting for his/her consideration.

I've received a number a queries that just don't fit into the genres (please see my call for submission and our web site to see what I'm considering.) I am looking for at this time. If I notice that your query does not fit into the genres I'm representing, I will most likely move on to the next query. And while I would love to respond to each query, alas, time just doesn't allow me to provide feedback to every submission.

Along with researching agents, it's important to follow submission guidelines. At our agency we ask for certain materials, such as query, synopsis and sample pages, to help us determine if we'd be interested in seeing more of your work. If your submission is missing some materials, I am unable to decide if I would like to see more and, unfortunately, it would be a decline. We also ask that you do not include attachments. Submission guidelines differ from agent to agent/agency to agency, so it's extremely important to know who you're querying and his/her guidelines.

I have also received a number of queries that just have a link. Your query is sort of like an interview, and just sending us a link would be like submitting a job application with just your name filled out. I'd also like to mention that you should NEVER query more than one agent in an email.

I'm sure many of you are already familiar with querying, but I hope you guys find this entry helpful. Please just drop me a comment (with email if you'd like a response) if you have any questions.



Krysten Hill said...

I was wondering about your preferences, when you say you want Sci-Fi/Fantasy, would you consider something more Epic Fantasy or do you only want Urban or Contemporary Fantasy?


Haddock said...

Some good points here.
Wishing you a happy New Year :-)

lolainslacks said...

Hi Ms. Albert! I just submitted a query to you, and I think that everything you wrote here was clearly outlined on the agency's web-site. Hopefully you enjoy the premise of my story and we'll communicate via e-mail, but if not, I will just tell you that you seem really cool. I enjoy my Saturday Syfy movies and Who too :)

lolainslacks said...

PS my email is ljhasbrouck@gmail.com :)

Unknown said...

Yes, thank you for this post and a Happy New Year to you too! As for a synopsis, do you usually prefer them as separate entities or just worked in with the query? I've never quite figured that one out.
Thanks so much for your help and advice!

Rachel said...

As I was reading this, I realized that while I was preparing my query email to you, I accidentally hit the send button too soon. I didn't include a synopsis. My pesky itchy fingers!

Rachel Pudelek

Anonymous said...

I sent your articles links to all my contacts and they all love it including me.
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